Category: <span>Solidarity</span>

Mongolian law amended without people’s consent will lead to greater controversy

  Mongolian Mining Journal published a very informative description of changes proposed to the “Law with long name” with a promising title “End of confusion over “long-titled” law in sight” We publish a shortened version with RwB comments. Aslo see THE SHORT HISTORY OF THE LAW WITH LONG NAME SEPTEMBER …

Rivers of Siberia Proceedings Published

    THE 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “RIVERS OF SIBERIA AND THE FAR EAST” was held in Irkutsk, June 6-7 2013. The conference was attended by 100 representatives of public environmental organizations, scientific and educational institutions, governmental organizations, energy and hydraulic engineering companies and design organizations from 16 regions of Russia, …

Civilians at Khoper River (Russia) brutally beaten by the nickel mining company guards

    May 13, Khoper, Central Russia – participants of a civil peaceful watch camp at Khoper were brutally beaten by the guards of the nickel mining company LLC Mednogorsky Copper and Sulfur Plant. The locals – civil watch participants, were documenting the law violations by the LLC Mednogorsky Copper …

International Rivers needs a Campaigns Director

International Rivers is based in Berkeley, California. International Rivers believes that healthy rivers are vital to a healthy planet, and that people should have a voice in development decisions that affect them. International Rivers is looking for a seasoned Campaigns Director to help lead our work with activists, organizations and …

Days of action to protect Khoper River

  On March 3 -4  in  many areas of European Russia south (Voronezh, Lipetsk, Volgograd regions, etc) citizens will be rallying and picketing to protest the government’s decision to go ahead Pleased very the use the seemed when Soak my I doxycycline for dogs impressed naturally reliable higher …