Category: <span>Solidarity</span>

Environmentalists or terrorists? Nationalists or patriots?

Michelle Tolson published today a brilliant text on gross injustice done to famous Mongolian environmentalist Munkhbayar and his fellows. “Authoritarian” government of the region after clashes with environmental activists either release them as it was done with “pirates” from Greenpeace in Russia or give them 1-2 year suspended jail term …

A century in jail for an attempt to protect rivers?

On January 21, in the outskirts of Ulaan Baatar in detention center #461the famous Mongolian environmerntal activist, leader of Union of the Mongolian Rivers and Lakes Ts.Munkhbayar and his four friends from “Fire Nation” Movement were sentenced to 21 years in prison each, cumulatively more than one century of imprisonment. …

Stop funding giant dams! Invest in renewables for local development!

Russia and other members of IDA – stop funding large hydropower and other dirty energy mega-projects! Invest in green energy and sustainable development of local communities! On December 16-17, 2013 in Moscow the World Bank will gather governments to make their pledges to the 17th replenishment of International Development association …

Nelson Mandela: Careful use of our collective life support systems, the rivers entrusted to us as stewards of nature

ADDRESS AT THE LAUNCH OF THE FINAL REPORT OF THE WORLD COMMISSION ON DAMS. LONDON, 16 NOVEMBER 2000 (excerpts)   Friends !   It really gives me great pleasure to be present at and participate in this occasion of the launch of the report of the World Commission on Dams.… …

Russian police teams up with miners in a new assault on the Save the Khoper River movement

Major offence on environmental movement launched in Russia by seizing Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise acquires yet another dimension – skillful provocations staged by police in cooperation with of big business.   On Novemeber 29 Police in Russia have detained two people formerly linked to an environmental protest movement for alleged …