Category: <span>Solidarity</span>

A Second Call from the “Rivers of Siberia” International Conference

The 9th International Conference “the Rivers of Siberia and the Far East” Irkutsk, Russia November, 10-11, 2015 The Second Announcement The 9-th International Conference “The Rivers of Siberia and the Far East” will be held on November, 10-11, 2015 in Irkutsk City, Russia near Lake Baikal. The Conference is dedicated …

IUCN: dams and climate change threaten the World Heritage

  World Heritage should be off-limits of any economic activities that may negatively affect designated sites, but nowadays increasing number of World Heritage sites are influenced by development projects. Hydropower is a leader on the list of industries encroaching upon World Heritage sites according to International Union for Conservation of …

The oldest conservation NGO sees better alternatives to hydropower in Mongolia

The oldest professional conservation group in Russia  the BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION CENTER released today  a  letter to the World Bank and other entities working on feasibility study  for the Shuren Hydropower Plant Project on Selenge River. In the letter this most experienced NGO shows that plenty of more efficient alternative are …

50000-strong petition to save Lake Baikal from Mongolian hydro plan

press-release "The sun and the wind have to save Baikal," say 55,000 citizens of various countries that have signed an appeal to the President of Russia, Mongolia, China and the World Bank. This is among the largest online international environment issue petitions Russia has seen and aims to save Lake …

International environmental community asks President Elbegdorj to veto amendments weakening Mongolia’s legislation

  International environmental and civil rights groups are outraged by the Great Khural (Mongolian Parliament) passing amendments  to the Law with the Long Name (LLN) on the last day  of Lunar year. Exact amendments as of yesterday were not available to the public and even to ministry officials, but information …

Sentence for Mongolian Goldman Prize Winner and other green activists reduced by 65 years

  Goldman Environmental Prize winner Munkhbayar, who in January 2014 was sentenced to almost 22 years in jail, as well as four of his friends from the Gal Undesten Movement, won significant reductions in their sentences in the City Court of Ulan Baatar.  They were protecting the law prohibiting mining …