Month: <span>December 2016</span>


An Overview At the end 2016 the news from our sub-continent, North Eurasia, news are bittersweet but quite hopeful: 1. Mongolia-Russia-China: Chinas agencies and Exim Bank in early April 2016 have frozen a loan and preparatory construction works for 315 MW Eg River Hydro in Lake Baikal Basin in Mongolia …

Stop Ecuador Government from Suppressing Environmental and Indigenous Groups!

RwB#22122016 To: Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador; Walter Garcia, Minister of Environment; Minister of the Interior December 22, 2016 Dear Mr. President: We would like to express our concern about the advances of mega-mining in the Amazonian Shuar territory, where the community of Nankints in Morona Santiago province was evicted …