Rivers without Boundaries

River papers from «The Rivers of Siberia and the Far East»

The International conference «The Rivers of Siberia and the Far East» traditionally  brings together experts, government officials, public, science and business leaders to find balanced solutions to the river ecosystems’ problems.
In 2012 the VIIth conference was held in the Russian Far East, in the City of  Khabarovsk and we could see more topics discussed by more participants than before. The event was attended by representatives of public and environmental authorities and ministries, scientists, hydraulic engineers and power engineers. It contributed to the stakeholders’ talks, different issues’ clarification and discussions and enjoyed the active participation of Mongolian and Chinese environmental organizations’ representatives, who shared the experience of water resources use in their countries.
The conference addressed the following issues: the water bodies’ ecological status, rivers’ biodiversity, public participation in tackling the associated problems, the transboundary water use problems and the water resources’ legal regulation. Some round-table discussions were held as well. One touched upon the impact of gold mining on river ecosystems, and the other – upon the hydropower plants’ construction and operation on the rivers of Siberia and the Far East. A lot of  questions regarding the use of the Amur basin water resources arose as well.
The Conference Proceedings containing material  on the river ecosystems’ ecological state, information on human activities in river basins, possible solutions to the existing problems and the perspectives of water resources use in various regions are available through this LINK in Russian with English abstracts.


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