Category: <span>Solidarity</span>

NGOs congratulate the World Bank on dam-project suspension

The World Bank Group suspended the Inga-3 Hydro Project, but, likely, there are many more projects in the WB pipeline that merit similar measures say civil society experts. The World Bank Group on July 24 has suspended disbursements of funding to the Inga-3 Hydropower Development Technical Assistance (TA). According to …

185 Killed for Your Survival

According to the Global Witness NGO  new report  the 2015 was the worst year on record for killings of land and environmental defenders – people struggling to protect their land, forests and rivers through peaceful actions, against mounting odds. The numbers are shocking. Global Witness documented 185 killings across 16 …

If Lake Powell reservoir is useless – who will dare to build new giant dams for “climate adaptation”?

NYT article “Unplugging the Colorado River” by Abrahm Lustgarten published right before World Fish Migration Day gives detailed description of water management options in drying Colorado River Basin. Proposal to drain giant reservoir behind Glenn Canyon Dam is given serious attention  as a measure to prevent unnecessary water losses. Many …

On Behalf of Baikal Sturgeon We Wish a Happy Fish Migration Day to Mongolian President

Dear President Ts.Elbegdorj, Dear Bonn Convention Secretary Dr.Chambers: On the World Fish Migration Day[1] the Rivers without Boundaries Coalition is appealing to you on behalf of the Baikal Sturgeon – Acipenser baerii baicalensis – critically endangered creature inhabiting only Baikal-Selenge Basin in Mongolia and Russia. This species is listed in …

"Hi, WB President Jim Kim, STOP DAMS, for we do not have other planet to be resettled to!"

Despite overwhelming evidence, that large dams are no solution to energy and climate and damage severely our environment, the WB top official stubbornly support suicidal course his institution is taking. He bluntly ignores the fact that by supporting large dams everywhere from Mongolia to Africa his institution is destroying most …

Greenpeace: China funded Egiin Gol Hydro – the last drop for the Lake Baikal

The Minister of natural resources of remote Buryatia Republic Mr. Yury Safyanov came to Moscow to seek response to extreme concerns voiced by local villagers living on Baikal lakeshore about Chinese dam building in upstream Mongolia. People of Buryat villages gathered 60days ago in Kabansk and requested from WB, Mongolian …