Tag: <span>Civil Society</span>

NGOs Are Welcome to Gobi Basin Council!

Besides Shuren and Orkhon dam sub-projects, the World Bank MINIS Project oversees formation and development of three groundwater basin administrations in the vast Gobi regions of Mongolia. As everywhere else in Mongolia  Gobi water basin councils are established to provide guidance and control basin administrations. Naturally the RwB Coalition and …

Dam disaster in Colombia forces evacuation of at least 5 000 people

Hydropower boom in Latin America fueled by corrupt practices of the Odebrecht and other major construction corporations and supported by loans from China, Germany and multilateral banks continues to displace and threaten local populations. Hidroituango, Colombia’s largest hydroelectric dam project, which promises to produce 13% of country’s electricity by 2019, …

Coal-mud flood consumes houses and farms in Eastern Russia

In Gornozavodsk (Japanese: 内幌町, Naihoro) town on Sakhalin Island, on May 14, 2018 a long anticipated coal-mud flood consumed several buildings  and farms and now creeps towards  the highway and nearby rivers. Coal  miners are routinely allowed to store waste in dangerous locations, displace local residents,  pollute salmon-spawning rivers and …

Welcome to the X International Conference “Rivers of Siberia and the Far East”

The X International Conference “Rivers of Siberia and the Far East” Novosibirsk, Russia 12-13 October 2018 Announcement № 1 Dear Friends! The 10th International Conference “Rivers of Siberia and the Far East” will take place 12-13 October 2018 in Novosibirsk, Russia. The conference will be dedicated to issues of sustainable …

AIIB Transport Sector Strategy- Road to Nowhere?

Photo: Famous Cross-Amur Half-Bridge in late 2016   Welcome to consultations… On 10 May 2018  the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has launched public ​​ consultations on its Draft Transport Sector Strategy. The AIIB claims that the draft strategy outlines AIIB’s vision to develop sustainable and integrated transport systems that …