Rivers without Boundaries

Could China Become the Champion in Dam Removal?

Bloomberg   As President Xi Jinping calls for greater environmental protection, officials are eager to demolish badly-planned dams. But the country will need vast amounts of clean hydroelectric power to meet its net-zero goal. China is trying to wean its massive economy off coal and fossil fuels to meet its …

The Turgusun-1 Project Demonstrates Why Hydropower Is a Bad Option for Kazakhstan

According to Xinhua agency the China-built Turgusun hydropower plant has been operating at full capacity since mid-July and will help ease a power shortage in East Kazakhstan Region. The plant is located on the Turgusun River near the city of Altai. Built by the China International Water and Electric Corporation …

Daursky Strict Scientific Nature Reserve Almost Doubles in Size

State Strict Scientific Nature Reserve (Zapovednik) Daursky has been expanded by Governmental Decree #1301 issued on August 4, 2021. The area of the strictly protect area has been expanded from 45 000 hectares to 84 000 ha (more than by 80%) by adding 11 new adjacent land plots in grassland …

World Heritage as a “No Go” Zone for Investment in Industry and Infrastructure

Dams threatening Lake Baikal and five other iconic areas are featured in a new report by Friends of the Earth US “World Heritage Forever? How Banks Can Protect the World’s Most Iconic Cultural and Natural Sites”. The report is examining how the international banking sector lacks strong policies and practices …

Recommendations to the World Heritage Committee. “Heritage Dammed” Updated. Part III.

Given tragic situation with river ecosystem protection  in the realm of the World Heritage Convention,  we want to bring to attention of Your delegations a concise brief detailing our findings and recommendations. We hope that Your Country will be able to promote strengthening freshwater ecosystem conservation. Rivers without Boundaries Coalition …

“Heritage Dammed” Updated. Part II. CSOs’ Intervention at the Committee Session

Intervention on item 7 at the 44th Session of the World Heritage Committee:  On Rivers and Increasing Dam Damage. By Rivers without Boundaries International Coalition, International Rivers, World Heritage Watch, SOSORINOCO, Yayasan HAkA, Citizen Initiative Ohrid SOS, Wilderness Society – Tasmania. Thank you for allowing us to speak, Mr. Chairman! …