Khabarovsk branch of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation
WWF Russia Amur branch
“Save Siberia and the Far East” Foundation
Rivers without Boundaries Coalition
Amur Basin Water Resources Management Administration of the Federal Agency for Water Resources
Institute of Water and Environmental Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

First information letter
“Conservation of river ecosystems in the era of global change”
Khabarovsk, Russia
March 18-19, 2022
Dear colleagues!
On March 18-19, 2022, the XI All-Russian conference with international participation “Rivers of Siberia and the Far East” for public and governmental organizations will take place in Khabarovsk. It is dedicated to the conservation of rivers and lakes in Siberia, the Far East and other regions of Russia and the world, the exchange of experience and the development of proposals for sustainable water management and the preservation of freshwater ecosystems.
The topic of the conference is “Conservation of river ecosystems in the era of global change”
We kindly ask you and your colleagues to consider the possibility of participating in the conference and inform us about your participation by January 31, 2022. If you plan to participate, you need to send the attached application form (Attachment 1) to the following address
Main themes of the conference:
- Water resources and river basins management in the face of climate change
- Mining impact on water ecosystems
- Hydraulic engineering structures impact on rivers and lakes
- Issues of water biological resources conservation
- State and issues in conservation of UNESCO World Heritage water bodies
- Ecological state and problems of river basin management in Asian part of Russia, including transboundary cases.
- Millennium Development Agenda and Goals in a regional and transboundary context
- Best practices and standards in freshwater resources management and protection (Strategic environmental assessment, ecological discharge, improvement of water management efficiency, design standards for hydraulic engineering structures, integrated flood risk management, conflict prevention mechanisms in river basins, etc.).
- Management of sustainable development of river basins, as well within the framework of Eurasian integration programs (The Silk Road, Steppe Route, Trans-Eurasian corridor, etc.), foreign investments, international agreements and mechanisms.
- Compliance with control regulation of water resources use and sustainable development of river basins.
Organizing Committee
- Khabarovsk branch of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation
- WWF-Russia Amur branch
- “Save Siberia and the Far East” Foundation
- Rivers without Boundaries Coalition
- Amur Basin Water Resources Management Administration of the Federal Agency for Water Resources
- Khabarovsk Federal Research Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – the Institute of Water and Environmental Problems
Participants of the conference
- Environmental NGOs and public activists involved in resolving issues of river ecosystems conservation
- Organizations and associations of indigenous peoples of the north of Siberia and the Far East of Russia
- Scientific and educational organizations
- National and regional government bodies, local government bodies
- Business
- Mass media
Conference format
Off-line and online.
Participants will be able to connect to the panel session and sections online on the Zoom platform.
A live streaming of the panel session will be organized on WWF-Russia YouTube channel
Official languages of the conference: Russian, English
Publication of conference materials
A collection of materials will be published at the end of the conference. The input of materials for publication is up to 4 A4 pages, including tables, pictures and references. Materials for publication must be designed in accordance with Attachment 2. The deadline for submitting materials for publication in the collection is February 28, 2022.
Important dates:
Applications for participation are accepted until January 31, 2022.
Materials are accepted until February 28, 2022.
Mailing of personal invitations and a second information letter will be provided before February 28, 2022.
Yury Gafarov, WWF Russia Amur branch, 8(423) 241-48-63; 9145950388;
Materials of conferences “Rivers of Siberia and the Far East” –