Rivers without Boundaries

Civil Society Organizations appeal to international banks and funds urging them to rethink approach to the Rogun Hydro in Tajikistan

Today on the 27th International Day of Action for Rivers we make public the appeal by international and local CSOs which was sent to the World Bank and 15 other financiers – members of the “Rogun Coordination Group”. This blog republished from the Coalition for Human rights in Development explains …

Erdeneburen Dam in Mongolia belies China’s promise of a ‘sustainable green’ BRI

by Munkhnaran Bayarlkhagva The Erdeneburen project would displace hundreds of herder families. (VWPics via AP) As China marked the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative with leaders from participating nations in October, President Xi Jinping declared that the program had begun prioritizing smaller and greener projects. The Chinese leader …

Hydroelectric power station in Amu Darya basin threatens Red Book fish species

February 12, 2024 The 14th Conference of the Parties (COP14) to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) commenced on February 12 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, amid heightened concerns raised by environmental groups over the peril facing various species due to the extensive construction of dams …

Notes on the Renewable Energy and Sustainability Report. REN21. January 2024

The REN21, which presents itself as “the only global renewable energy community that brings together actors from science, academia, governments, NGOs and industry to collectively drive the rapid, fair transition to renewables”, presented a report on sustainability of renewable energy sources.The Renewable Energy and Sustainability Report (RESR) is built on …

Dams Cause Continuous Damage to Our Rivers and Lives

by Arushi Arora Climate change is one of the most pressing global issue in contemporary times, and dams play a substantial role in aggravating it by becoming feeding grounds for methane-producing microbes. In addition, dams fragment rivers and disrupt their natural flow, threatening the survival of aquatic fauna, especially migratory …