Category: <span>Ob</span>

The UN Special Rapporteur Knox: Gold Mining Program in Mongolia is a threat to Human Rights and Environment

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, John Knox assessed how Mongolia is promoting human rights in the context of environmental protection. Knox has stayed in Mongolia since 19 Sep 2017 and met with ministries, lawyers, parliament members and representatives of international and regional organizations. On …

Chinese Banks keep silence about Unaddressed Environmental and Social Risks of the Yamal LNG project

Three months ago the Rivers without Boundaries Coalition, Ecodelo Alliance and Biodiversity Conservation Center send detailed inquiries to Chinese investors of Yamal LNG Project at the mouth of the great Russian Ob River. In last three years massive investments by China Development Bank, China Export Import Bank and the Silk …

“Surplus Russian water” to quench Xinjiang’s thirst?

Altai floodwater could be sent to parched Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, says Russian agriculture minister. Picture by Sarukhanov. Novaya Gazeta. ‘We are ready to offer the project of the transfer of fresh water from the Altai region of Russia through Kazakhstan to arid Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of …

Would Ecological Civilization take the Silk Road?

  RwB’s International Coordinator Eugene Simonov on March 5 took part  in the 2016 Annual Meeting of Heilongjiang Provincial Association for Northeast Asian Studies/  in Harbin City. Environmental Section of the Meeting gathered  members of the Amur-Okhotsk Consortium from Japan, Mongolia, China and Russia. Dr. Simonov summarized  most important environmental …

Mongolian River-protection activists released

  Dear Friends: Union of Mongolian River and Lake Movements (UMMRL) is delighted to share with you good news that Munkhbayar and Tumurbaatar were released on 6th November after the amendments to the Amnesty Law of Mongolia were finally approved. They spent in jail two years out of their original …

Silk Belt needs UNECE Water Convention

Seventh session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention is being held in Budapest on 17 – 19 November 2015. Convention is opening for accession by countries from outside of UNECE region. On the first day meeting participants discussed what are main objectives and geographic priorities for …