Category: <span>World Heritage Convention</span>

Jump in Tigris River at tranquil Selune Estuary

Resistance continues against Ilisu Dam! Following a call by the Initiative to Keep Alive (HYG) and the Mesopotamia Ecology Movement (MEM) for the “Big Jump” ecology activists in Hasankeyf, Turkey and the world protested the controversial Ilisu Dam on the 14th of July. This action day is the continuation of …

Proposals to weaken World Heritage protection confronted by NGOs

Difficult dilemmas are discussed at the 43rd World Heritage Committee session in Baku. The RwB had a chance to introduce the “Heritage Dammed” Report during debate on two World Heritage sites threatened by dams. From July 1 afternoon African countries (which usually vote here in one united block) are challenging …

River Protection Crisis and the World Heritage System

The RwB Guide to the 43rd WH Committee Session, 2019 The 43rd Session of the World Heritage Committee is opening today in Baku, Azerbaijan. This is an overview of most pressing river and dam related issues planned for review or voiced by NGOs. The 6th International NGO Forum on World …

Resolution on Protection of Freshwater Ecosystems from Destruction by Hydropower

The 7th International NGO Forum on World Heritage at Risk Baku, Azerbaijan, 29 June 2019 We, the Civil Society Organizations who have attended the 7th International NGO Forum on World Heritage at Risk organized by World Heritage Watch on 29 June in Baku, Azerbaijan, coming from 19 countries in 5 …

How the World Heritage Convention Can Protect Rivers from Destruction by Dams: THE FINAL REPORT

The RwB and World Heritage Watch presents the final complete version of the “Heritage Dammed” Report, dedicated to protection of natural freshwater ecosystems. This colorful report contains contributions from 30 civil society organizations (CSOs), experts and dam-affected communities around the world. The Report documents how water infrastructure plays key role …

Rivers without Boundaries calls for a “no go” policy on World Heritage

After the RwB  coordinator delivered a presentation at the World Hydropower Congress (photo above), a representative of the Three Gorges Corporation made a statement, on which the RwB issued a press-release published by the HydroWorld: The Rivers without Boundaries (RwB) coalition reports that the China Three Gorges Corporation has announced …