Category: <span>Solidarity</span>

“Our Common Geopolitical Language” Sounds Scary

People from throughout the world who love Mongolia, its rivers and local communities, are truly concerned with current new push to build hydropower dams on Mongolia’s majestic free-flowing rivers. This piece republished with permission of the author – Peter Fong – is a vivid evidence of such concerns. Way back …

Call on Chinese Actors to Stop Extinction:  90 Civil Society Groups Call on China to Protect Biodiversity in its Overseas Investments

On December 15, 2022, 90 civil society groups from Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the world called on Chinese authorities and actors to protect biodiversity and people in its overseas investments. As China is chairing the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP) currently …

Xi Jinping invited the world to “join hands to write a new chapter in global wetlands conservation”

Xi Jinping made an important statement, promising to extend wetland conservation efforts beyond China borders. We hope that pledges made by Chinese leader mean that destruction of Rufiji River delta Ramsar wetlands in Tanzania and prevent damage to Khar Us Lake Ramsar site in Mongolia. Both wetlands are threatened by …

Stop Dam Construction on the GlobalHydropowerDay!

The International Hydropower Association announced 11 October 2022 a #GlobalHydropowerDay to celebrate the “positive” impacts of “sustainable hydropower” on people and communities around the world. The IHA provided a photographic social template “to encourage you to share a photo of you, your team, hydropower project or a benefit of hydropower, …

Local people stopped Chinese drilling machinery at the site of Erdeneburen HPP construction

On October 4 a video of local herders protesting the Erdeneburen hydroelectric power plant construction in Uvs Province’s Umnogovi sum was circulated online. It shows men, women, elderly and children preventing the passage of heavy machinery despite being harassed by several policemen.  As predicted by human rights NGOs the population …

Mongolian Government Seeks to Criminalize Citizens Opposing Erdeneburen Dam Project

This story published in Novaya Gazeta reflects new ugly grimace of war. Using now very popular “Russia’s energy dependence” rhetoric and fabricated “evidence” the Mongolian proponents of large dams are trying to take revenge and silence local citizens and conservation NGOs who oppose construction of Erdeneburen Hydro by Power China …